He was a missionary from Bohemia – studied for the priesthood there but was ordained three weeks after arriving in New York. Served in mission parishes near Buffalo. The LOG CHAPEL was probably one of his early churches. Desired to live in a religious community, so he entered the Redemptorist Order and was the first priest to profess vows in the United States. This was in SAINT JAMES CHURCHin Baltimore in 1842. He became the fourth bishop of Philadelphia and was consecrated in ST. ALPHONSUS CHURCH in Baltimore. The diocese of Philadelphia was formed in 1808 from territories of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. SAINT PETER'S CHURCH in Philadelphia is where the National Shrine of Saint John Newmann is located. The COAT OF ARMS depicted in this window is possibly that of the REDEMPTORISTS. St. John Neumann was canonized in 1977. John Neumann is the second American canonized saint. We celebrate his feast on January 5th.